Thursday, March 10, 2011


Things are starting to wrap up around here, and I'm not sure how to feel about it. I've been doing more than feeling, and the feelings that tag along seem to be more along the lines of frustration or being overwhelmed.

I won't bore you with the minutiae of every little task I need to get done in the next (ack! tears!) three weeks, but it is a LOT.

And then, what? There's a great big, old - seemingly vacuous - world waiting for me, and I really don't feel like I know what I want to do there. I've got the big, pie-in-the-sky dreams. But those, I feel are good to keep as ideals. If they happen, holy moley, do a dance and celebrate. If not, well, they were pretty lofty. No huge loss.

But, I've got friends auditioning here and there, getting jobs lined up ... I know what I'm doing until August. And then? Wow.

This is all leading me to think that I might not be ready to leave the bubble. But at the same time, I feel really done with the undergrad experience. I want to work. I really want to work, and I'm willing to work hard.

Sometimes I wish you'd get a schedule delivered, at every birthday, and it would lay out your next year. But, on the other hand, it's kind of the beauty of life that I'm going to have to free fall sometimes.

Enough, bloggeroni. Time to get off book with Helena from Look Back in Anger. Time to kick ass.

Time to figure out who the hell you are.