Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dream Fable

I had a dream a few nights ago that just knocked my socks off. And usually, I don't remember them. I just have this feeling after I wake up of knowing that I was involved in something awesome. Usually with a few Australian animals and a light show.

This one, however, was very different. It felt like it was November, and in rural England, where you see bits of old stone walls, and the twisty, newer roads give way to the straight, Roman ones. Just, old and misty, and very green.

The original dream involved myself and my two siblings, but I've changed it in this rendering.

It's spooky (and long) so consider yourself warned.

There were once three children who lived in a small town. Everything was generally peaceful. Everybody went about their business, and most of them were friendly. The children lived on a small farm with their parents, their dog Charlie, and many other kinds of animals.

There was one thing in the town that was very strange. Now and then, someone would come across an animal that had been killed in a particular way. It would be drained of all its blood, and the rest left out. People all had ideas as to what could have happened to the animals: a madman in the woods, some kind of wild creature ... some even said it was a vampire. No one knew for sure. But to be safe, everyone locked their animals in at night, and kept a close watch on them during the day.

The children had set off to play early one morning. They walked down the road, and out alongside the woods. On their walk, they found a chicken, headless and without its blood, in the ditch. The children shared their suspicions, but knew that chickens were not very smart, and it could have been anything that could have killed it. And on they went. They were still joking about the stupidity of chickens when they noticed a bell and collar on the road. They followed a short trail of blood into the woods, and came across a cow, missing all four of her legs, entirely bled to death. Horrified, they ran home.

None of the children told their parents what they had seen. They knew that if someone found out they were near that part of the woods, they would be punished. And besides that, they were curious. That night, after supper and before bed, they made plans to go back to that same place and investigate.

That's all I've got for now!

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