Monday, April 6, 2009


Apparently, this life is very worth living. To be evaluated. Examinations and year-end check-ins. This is not the unexamined life.

Today was slow. The minutes of cars waving, distorted by heat seemed doubly as long than they did yesterday. Today was so beautiful, and it was nice enough to slow itself down for us. Funnily enough: when a day comes like this, I don't take the time to witness it. It is easier to witness when things go speeding by, and you watch yourself get up at the crack of dawn to walk to work. Maybe the out-of-body thing is a survival technique so your soul doesn't get shocked when you blaze by someone asking for change or when you haven't eaten since who knows when.

Today, it was slow. I was hungry, and I fed myself. I met so many people today. Buying coffee for Sarah and I, another person in line chatted me up, flirting, I suppose. She was very tall, and I remember a nose ring. And the boy on the bus with huge cloudless blue eyes with music I could hear through his headphones.

My mind is entirely to quick for itself. I never stop thinking. I never stop wanting to know what everyone else is thinking. There are always songs stuck in my head. It was nice to be made to stop. It was nice to have the world hold me, and remember that I am loved, that I can be loved and that I can love.

Thank you, I really needed it.

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